The printed copy of Once Upon a (L)ime arrived today.

It sort of looks like something you’d study for a test with, but for $35 and the relief of a year-long secret, I’m not complaining.  (I’ll do a full review on Blog2Print later)

I came home from SkinnyRunner’s Blogger Brunch Date and the scene played out like this :

B : “How was brunch?”

S : “Good here I have something for you”

B : “Oh yeah?  What is it??”

B : “…What is this?  Why are you taking pictures of me?”  (confused look)

S : blahblahblah explains the whole story

B : “Really?  You’ve been writing this whole time and keeping it a secret from me?  WHAT OTHER SECRETS DO YOU HAVE, WOMAN?  WHAT ELSE AREN’T YOU TELLING ME?!  I can’t live with this dishonesty.  We are O-V-E-R!”

Just kidding.  He says he’s really excited to read through it and see what kind of oversharing I’ve done with all of my internet friends.  When I asked if he wanted me to drive up to LA later so he could read in the car, he said no.  Verdict’s still out on whether that’s because he doesn’t want me driving or he really doesn’t want to read it afterall.

Finally out of the blog-closet,

Sarah Soon-To-Be

17 thoughts on “HE KNOWS!

  1. Ahhh…now we don’t have to meet in secret anymore, lol! Now that secret is out!

    Now you can do whatever you want and also not be ashamed to have met wonderful friends online because he gets to see us comment on this blog and know we are stalkers….err, we support you!


  2. Pingback: OUa(L)’s Out of the Closet (A GIVEAWAY!) « Once Upon a (L)ime

  3. Oh my gosh, this is the SWEETest thing ever. How special! I love that you chose this way to tell him about it. I’m still in the blog closet as far as friends, but my hubbers knows. Wonder if this would be an interesting way to tell them when I’m ready, hmmm….

    Discovered you through a comment you left on Skinny Runner, by the way, and am definitely adding you to my blog reader!


  4. Pingback: 2011 – When I Wasn’t Running « Once Upon a (L)ime

  5. Pingback: 2011 – When I Wasn’t Running | Once Upon a (L)ime
