Ragnar – 24 Hours Later

I still need a whole lot of time to process this weekend.  And about a dozen more hours of sleep before I’m able to put any of it into words.

Although lets be honest, that’s not actually going to be possible.


For now let me go ahead and bookend the story ( very beginning and very end ) – warning: big fat SPOILER ahead…


Sarah OUaL

38 thoughts on “Ragnar – 24 Hours Later

  1. That sounds like just about the most badass race ever. Results were awesome but its probably just a bonus. It looked like so much fun. Oh, and thanks for adding links to all your sponsors. I am now the proud owner of some sweet compression socks and a cute as hell shirt from Run Pretty Far.


    Through laughter, cursing and a few tears we freaking did it. Dang it feels good (although my quads are still burning). Time to plan a par-tay. Like a huge one. WOOHOOOOO!!


  3. Did you ever know that you’re my heerroooooo.
    and a better planner than I could ever be
    You can run faster than an Eagle….
    Oual, you are the wind beneath my wings.

