Since Then…

green lakes trail bridge

Things that have happened since the last time I posted:

I wrote 85% of a race recap from the 25k back in June.

I decided to give up on finishing the race recap from the 25k back in June.

I crewed/paced a 100 miler. Emily ran Cascade Crest 100 last weekend and I had such a great time I enthusiastically wrote three pages of “lessons learned” at breakfast the next day. That post is DEFINITELY forthcoming. Promise. As soon as she fetches the list from wherever in her car I left it.

Cascade Crest 100 Finish

I got drunk and *almost* confronted my ex about his new S.O. a couple dozen times, and actually did it once. Wasn’t a very proud moment, but I can’t say I didn’t feel better after. We’ve talked about it since, and are on good terms.

I went on a few dates. This is legit my first time ever dating, and it’s pretty fucking weird. Weird and fun. Weird and scary. But I bet it was weirder in your early 20’s before you had anything other than college majors and entry-level jobs to small talk about. Anyway, my biggest fear about being “on the market” is accidentally hitting on a 17 year old.

I considered starting a new blog about dating after divorce. Remembered I can’t keep this one up to date, decided against it.

I settled into my new place. MY PLACE. Alllll mine. Well, mine and the dogs. And then mine, the dogs, and an eventual roommate when I come to the sad realization I can’t really afford the rent on my own… Anyone want to move in?

I stopped logging my miles. Ok actually I stopped keeping track a long time ago, but just recently stopped thinking about logging them. Not having an exact, to the decimal, number ready when someone asked how many miles I had on a pair of shoes felt like a real win in the Extreme Type A Recovery plan. Running feels like something I do for fun, for ME, not for my spreadsheet anymore.

Green Lakes Run

I started oversharing in person rather than on the internet. It’s true I used to unabashedly tell tales of peeing on curbs and other embarrassing and private things on the blog, but in person I was never much of a sharer. Believe it or not. Somewhere, sometime, without realizing it though, that changed. Wanna hear my life story? Some of my feelings? Thoughts on second chances, reincarnation, or gun laws? Sit on down, let me strip off this old steely outer shell I don’t want anymore and tell you ALL ABOUT ALL OF IT.

I climbed a mountain. A real life volcanic mountain. South Sister summit – 10,358 feet. Only asked Emily if we could turn around like three times (and am obviously really glad we didn’t.) Probably the most Oregon thing I’ve done since moving here.

south sister summit

And on that note…

I called Oregon home. Multiple times. All the time. Every chance I get, really. BRB gotta go buy some more Birkenstocks and a Subaru.

So yeah, things are good. Really great, actually. I’ll try to check in more often from here on out, and be on the lookout for a Cascade Crest Crew Report sometime soon.

-ish. Soonish.

24 thoughts on “Since Then…

  1. Fun stuff (well, most of it). Between you and Emily and all the other Oregon people posting awesome pics and adventures, living in Oregon someday is on the bucket list. Can’t wait to see the crew/pacer blog post. :)


  2. I’m so glad you’re having fun! I’m a longtime reader and always love seeing you pop up in my Feedly. While I’m not ready to leave Seattle to be your roomie just yet, we do have a few things in common – I’m a native Ohioan who transplanted to the PNW in January (with a 12-year stop in Philly first). Looking forward to reading more. Go Tribe!


  3. Absolutely love that you’re back. Can’t wait to read the recap and to be honest even 50% would be fab (I’m sorry but once I’m over the post race rush i either forget EVERYTHING or embellish dreadfully (“i was positively pouncing into aid stations”… Note: i generally am very back of the pack. :) I know from personal experience this stage sucks but you seem very much on the right path. Rache


  4. Yayyy! So happy for you!!! Long time reader, but minimal commenter. :) You seem to really be coming into your own and I love it. I wish nothing but the best for you!!! Do what makes YOU happy!!!


  5. god, are our lives mirroring one another’s? new favourite blog.go get it girl. you’re my new go to for navigating, surviving and coming out stronger of the shit show that is d-i-v-o-r-c-e, all while making a new, kick-ass and exciting life for yourself.

    i think I’m ready to move to oregon now.


  6. I’m ready to move…I’ve been in Seattle before but Oregon is on my bucket list. I think the emotional shit storm of a divorce is quite possibly the worst thing I’ve ever been through. I’m still trying to recover, and I hate the dating scene! It’s so awkward! I love that you’re doing what makes YOU happy. Love this post. And your blog. And I think we could be roomies.


  7. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and I want to say I absolutely love reading your posts. You are such a talented writer and you make me laugh out loud. I love hearing about your running and life ventures, and Oregon looks like an amazing place to live. I am terribly sorry about your divorce. I was never married, but in a long term relationship and when it ended it felt like a divorce without the paperwork. And now I am 28 and single and have the SAME PROBLEM of dating and worrying about 17 year old boys. I’ve never really “dated” much and don’t really know how/where to meet people (you mean all the men I meet when I’m sweaty and gross from a run aren’t interested? Weird.). Plus I am a college professor living in a college town so the issue is even worse when going out. You never know how old the boys are/seeing some students…


  8. Hell yeah! Oregon is a GREAT place to be, especially when on your own for the first time in a long time. Plenty of amazing wonderful things to do and beers to drink when you’ve got time to yourself :) happy happy times. I have a patient who wrote some blog posts about dating after marriage if you want to read them


  9. So glad you’ve come to love Bend (not sure I can get in on the Birkenstocks but that’s my southern Californian showing…)!

    Dating as an adult can be really fun and you will also come out of it with hilarious stories you’ll tell for years which is a bonus!

    Looking forward to more updates!


  10. I’ve also considered a post-divorce dating blog — dating is intense and full of good stories, especially after 10+ years off the market! Actually talked to friends about collaborating but then we all got distracted. There’s a market for it — but the stories are so much better when told to friends until you’re all crying from laughter! Enjoy life, lady! :)


  11. So glad to hear you are settling in to Bend, I am super jealous that you get to live there.

    I grew up in portland but I moved to Colorado about 10 years agon. I do own Birks and plan to buy a Subaru this fall so I guess you can’t take Oregon out of the girl. Good luck ever being normal again ;)


  12. It’s nice reading some posts from you again! And Kudos to only actually confronting him once – seriously, super human mental strength!

    I actually was thinking about you last month when we were up in the Tri-Cities area (bought an investment/rental property in Richland, WA) – wondered if you were enjoying the PNW. The few times I’ve been up in the Oregon/Washington area I’ve loved it (granted all three times it was summer).

    Anyway, go get that 50K! 7K of climbing – that is going to be satisfying ass-kicking.


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