‘Blog’ Is Actually Code for ‘Yogurtland’

We interupt your regularly scheduled wedding postings for an OC blogger/froyo addicts (err, FitBlog) meeting :


Stolen from Monica, OUaL’-ified by Picnik.


We went to Yogurtland, because that’s what Southern Californians do.  If it was Ohio we would have met at a pig roast or a fish fry.

I’ll take the dragonfruit tart frozen yogurt this time.

Everybody was super nice and I think I’m finally over the creepiness of meeting internet friends in real life.  Guess that opens the door for any rapist/murderer OUaL readers out there that want to meet up.  Come on down!

The highlight of the meet up – other than making lots of new friends and putting an end to my 3-week froyo drought – was finally meeting JANAEEEEEEE!  We’ve been stalk-buddies for a long time but finally solidified our best friendship today.  I feel bad for her Utah friends because we’re definitely not letting her leave Cali.



Julie, Denise, Kate, and Marlon are all new friends.  Monica, Heather, and Lea are old news, but I like them so I keep them around Winking smile

Oh and if you didn’t know, Lea just got married too and is finally back from her honeymoon ISLAND HOPPING in the Philippines.  She has lots of fun pictures and recaps up so go read and tell her congrats.

And, because I love you, here’s a bonus shot from wedding weekend :



Ahhhh… sisterly love.  Huge props to MT’s friend for capturing this priceless moment.

Happy Sunday!

Sarah OUaL

13 thoughts on “‘Blog’ Is Actually Code for ‘Yogurtland’

  1. So sick of hearimg all about you SoCal peeps hanging and eating froyo while I am slaving away packing my stuff here in the midwest! Ahhh jealousy isn’t pretty ask my husband he has to look at it ;-)


  2. SO fun to meet you!!!!! There’s like 16 fro yo places in a 4 miles radius where we live, and I feel that is pretty important to try them ALL. You know, just for comparison sake. America’s Cup…that’s one of my fave’s (just trying to enable a fellow addict, it’s how I roll.”

