Track Party–Season 1 Finale

I wish WordPress didn’t have a “Save as Draft” option.  Maybe I’d actually finish a post in one sitting.  This was started Tuesday, promptly after returning from (to be discussed) track session.  It’s now Friday and I’m in a seat on an OH-bound Delta flight.



Today Yesterday was my last track workout of Ragnar/Eugene training.


Track Party Finale womp womp.

I’ve really grown to love these buttcrack-early Tuesday workouts with Margot (and sometimes Madison and Rebecca).  Having a new workout to challenge me each week has been incredibly motivating, and I HUGELY credit that spicing up my training for staving off burnout this cycle.

Also due credit?  Reviving the competitive athlete inside me I thought died after I hung up my cleats four years ago.

Thank you, track party.  Thank you, track friends.  And thank you, legs – I knew you had a little something in ya itching to get out.

Despite [always] cursing myself when the alarm goes off, I [always] get a little pep in my step once I actually set foot on the oval.

Time to run fast!


Being the beginning of taper,  I didn’t want a real ass-busting workout.  Some kind of speed/tempo hybrid I guess. 

Since I can’t kick my addiction for “fast and short” we settled on 5×1000 with 200m recovery jogs.  Usually for intervals I’d take a full (standing) rest between sets, so keeping the legs moving and heart rate up this time made it challenging despite the (slightly) slower pace.


Can I take a second to laugh at “slower pace”?


If you would have asked me three months ago if I ever thought I’d see a 6:xx on Garmin, let alone consider it an “easy pace” of ANY sort, I would have told you to go to hell.

Seriously.  Sub7, just nice and easy.  NBD.

((( #trackboner )))

I have LOVED seeing my progress at the track each week.  No doubt that’s the main reason behind my love for these Tuesday sweat sessions.  We didn’t repeat many workouts – part of the fun is doing something “exciting!” and “new!” and “no expectations because I’ve never done this before!” – but the improvements are obvious, even if you can’t match up workout-by-workout times.

I’m more confident.  I don’t have to chase Margot anymore – she can do her own thing and I can rely on myself to set and hold my paces.  I don’t freak out and put on the brakes when I see a pace faster than I “should” be at during other runs, because I’ve learned what it feels like to push through the discomfort and hang on “just a little bit longer!”

And how badass it feels afterwards when you do.

I’m a better runner because of the track.  In many ways.  If I wore one of those heart rate things it’d probably tell you something number’y to prove that.  But since I can’t ever remember to do that, you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Or we’ll just have to let the (hopefully forthcoming) PRs speak for themselves.  :)

Last LR of the spring tomorrow.  12 miles somewhere in Central Ohio, then it’s officially race weekRagnar, you’ve been a long time coming.  I’m kind of peeing myself now that you’re finally here.

Sarah OUaL

   *   Safe travels and good luck to all you Bostonians – rest up, carb up, and quit stalking!  And extra good luck to SR at your second Ganssett/Boston double.  You’re a lunatic.  See ya in the van.

– And also it’s now 11:30 est and I’m in a hotel. Finally hitting publish. A+ blogger. –

12 thoughts on “Track Party–Season 1 Finale

  1. I feel like I have lost a friend or something. I will miss Track Parties. However, I have faith that once you feel how fast you are now, you will just want to be faster and track parties will never end. Laugh it up, you know you’ll be back. Have fun running in Central, Ohio! If you feel the need to go to the Northeast area of Ohio instead, I’ll be running in Brecksville. It is as awesome as it sounds, btw.


  2. 4 minute snooze? Set the first alarm for 5:21 and snooze for 10!

    Sub-7 is not an easy pace if you’re not a 4:45 miler. Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I’ve seen a million people take their recovery too fast and the result is they’re not as fast on the fast stuff when it counts. You are clearly much, much faster than you were six months ago, though, and it’s awesome to watch you progress, fastie.

    And speaking of Debbie Downers, I’ve been watching I bet you $10 your Long Beach is faster than my Boston.


  3. Too bad there’s no homes games on the Indian’s schedule for the next week! :( And seriously, I’ve never wanted to run on track until I started reading about your Track Parties… I’m living vicariously through your blog ;) Go out there and kick Ragnar’s bootay!!! :)


  4. Really have enjoyed reading your track workout recaps–gives me hope that I can find my competitive juices post-NCAA-softball too! Can I sign-up for Coach Faster Bunny’s workouts?! Wish I lived near you speedsters–I’d give you a boost of confidence dragging my arse around the track! (That’s why I was a jumper in high school!)


  5. You are ridiculously fast! AWESOME! Hope you had a blast in OH and I seriously can’t wait to read EVERYTHING about Ragnar! So you better be speedy with those recaps! No pressure… :-)


  6. Pingback: The Original TPT – A (dramatic) Goodbye | Once Upon a (L)ime
