The Things That Make My (run)World Go Round – a giveaway!

For someone that craves routine and structure in life, there’s been a surprising amount of variety in my running lately.

Some days I’ll crave an easy catch-up run with a girlfriend, while sometimes I want nothing more than a hard pavement pounding solo.  I dig going music-less every now and then after being ipod-dependent forever, and have even ventured outside my standard country playlists a bit. Sometimes I feel like logging miles in a printed skirt, a masculine brown/black pantsuit, or fast non-diaper-butt shorts.

Don’t ask about the bookshelf mural – Eugene is weird

But, regardless of what I’m in the mood to listen to/sweat out/wear, there are some constants in my running world these days.  Over the past few months I’ve developed a few pretty serious obsessions, and have openly shouted my fanfare of love notes to them all over the blogworld and race courses.

And I want you to love them as much as I do.  Because as much as I dig these things, I dig you guys even more.  Your support, humor, and advice while I attempt this transition to “real runner” is sooo appreciated.  I’m not super into sentiments, but just know that every comment, email, tweet, and wishful thought you’ve sent mean a lot.

times 10.

So, in a weird way of saying thank you, and because my original plan of “HERE ARE MY THINGS THAT GOT ME TO MY BQ!” is kind of shot to shit…

Sarah OUaL’s Race Day Must-Haves Giveaway!

This picture makes me happy.  Well the bottom 5/6ths of it at least.

So, going through the loot from head to toe, here’s what one lucky reader will win…

BIC Bands

I swear to all things holy, these things SERIOUSLY WILL NOT slip.  I don’t care how mis-shapen your head is or how fine your hair is.  I never wore headbands (hello race braid?) because they’d move all over, but these really don’t.  So I’m hooked, and not only because their functional and cute, but also because a portion of every sale goes to monthly rotating charity, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Winner will receive a $35 gift certificate to use at!


I was a Nuun convert from (almost) the first sip.  I’ll admit at first I thought it was a little… weird?  I heard ‘electrolyte drink’ and expected something like Gatorade.  So when I got the light, fizzy taste I was kind of taken aback.  But once I stopped thinking of it as a sugary syrup replacement, I loved it.

The tablets come in easy-to-stash tubes (desk, purse, gym bag, etc) and dissolve in water in like, a minute.  They are sugar-free and have <8 calories per serving, so you’re free to chug to your little heart’s content.

Winner will receive a water bottle; samples of Grape, Strawberry Lemonade, and Fruit Punch; and a tube of the following :

  • Lemon Lime – my on-the-run favorite, and key ingredient to the famous Nuun-arita
  • Tropical – my daily favorite, consumed on the regular at my desk, running errands, chilling at home, or combatting a late night of boozing
  • Blueberry Pomegranate All Day – their newest line has half the electrolytes, so it’s ideal for consumption when you’re not your usual sweaty self. like recovery week. instead of drowning post-race gloom with booze chug some of this (this is clearly addressed to myself)

Gu & Bloks 

Run fuel of choice.  I go back and forth on flavor – fruity, chocolatey, happy hour’y – but Gu’s gels and Clif’s Bloks are my go-to.  Lately I’ve been loving mint chocolate (like a melted Andes mint!) and peanut butter (kind of like caramel) Gu, and tropical Bloks, which taste like big chewy fruit snacks.

Winner will receive 4 gels and 2 packs of Bloks – including an unpictured margarita pack because everyone deserves to have a party on their run sometimes

Hazard Polish

Obviously I photographed this set before the race. I thought this was going to be my “good luck color”, and could tell you that “Hazard” IS as dangerous and fast as it sounds.  Instead I’ll just tell you it’s a cute color for summer.

Winner will receive a (new) bottle – swear I’m not just chucking my busted BQ fail bottle at you

Pro Compression Marathon Socks

These bad boys have seen me through almost every long run since March – that’s prior, during, AND after.  Compression is used to speed up muscle repair and circulation, and these socks give just the right amount of squeeze.  Not so much you can’t comfortably wear them all day, but not too little that you feel like you’re just wearing tube socks.

There are a lot of compression products in the market, and I’ve tried a good handful of them.  These are my favorite because of the fit (longer, snug, and good quality material), they hold up well, and are designed and made entirely in the USA.  Plus they come in fun colors.  Duh.

Winner will receive a pair of socks in their size and color of choice


This is the newest addition to my can’t-live-without list.  We’re all busy and there are times we have to squeeze a workout between a million other things if it’s going to get done, and showers can’t always top the priority list.

These towelettes are about 3x the size of a baby wipe (my former lunch-run showering mechanism) and super thick.  Think of it as a baby wipe/hand towel hybrid.  A little wipe down, and you’re good to go until you can get your head under a real shower.

Winner will receive one box (10) of ShowerPill wipes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 So that’s that.  All my most prized possessions, free to some lucky duck reader.  All you have to do to enter is send me a hand-written soliloquy about your favorite drink and whether you think I should cut my hair or keep growing it out.


Comment below with your favorite, must-have, can’t-run/live-without item and you’re in.  Leave an extra comment if you Facebook or Tweet it.  Winner will be announced Monday at Noon best coast time (pst).

 Good luck!  I’ll be busy over here picking Hazard off my nails in the meantime.

Sarah OUaL

856 thoughts on “The Things That Make My (run)World Go Round – a giveaway!

  1. I’m pretty flexible when it comes to running gear, but my sports bras from Moving Comfort are non-negotiable. They are the only brand I’ve found that actually holds everything in place.


  2. well obviously my GARMIN but in rotating run wear i can’t live without my lululemon cool racerback…they are the perfect length to not ride up, they wick, they look nice, i can wear them to work as a base layer, they are just perfect.


  3. umm all of the above are my must-haves! and also the Frog Bra by Title Nine. Best bra for those who are a little well-endowed :)


  4. My favorite, must-have, can’t run without item is (believe it or not) my Nike hat! I have worn that hat in every race since 2003! (Well, I’m actually on my 2nd hat, but it’s the same brand/style.)


  5. OH OH OH OH MY GOODNESS GIVEAWAY. I want to win this so so so badly.

    I love it ALL but my favourites are the BIC bands- a) I dont have a headband and b) how could you resist the sparkle?!

    <3 thanks for the giveaway!


      • Also please note I dont know why its changed me from Scallywag to Fiona Kate after my first comment but the two below about facebook and tweeting from Fiona Kate are from me!


  6. My nasty Nike visor is my can’t run-without item. It’s fuschia and has a funk that doesn’t wash out, but it’s my favorite.


  7. My favorite item is my garmin, but it keeps stoping and shutting down on me, but my I can’t live without is my iPod because then I don’t have to hear myself breathing or gasping for air.


  8. Love your blog! Love this giveaway! My favorite running item was my sparkle green BIC Band… which I lost it on St. Patty’s day. Ooops :) I’m overdue for a new one!


  9. My Garmin, hands down. Gum is also high on the list. I love lots of other runner-y thing, but there’s not much I can’t live without!

    I’m not a very high maintenance runner, I guess?


  10. My Garmin 305 is non-negotiable, can’t live without it. Seriously, my run is ruined if I don’t know how fast or far I’ve gone. Sad, but it’s the only way I can keep control over my crazy running self.

    but I pretty much love everything in this giveaway, so it would be super awesome to get more of things that I know I already love.

    P.S. Your BQ will happen. You’re just hitting your stride.


  11. Fun giveaway! I must must must have Balega socks – preferably in an obnoxious color like lime or neon orange. Obnoxious color = fast.


  12. Ohmygoodness I hope this is open to international readers because I would LOVE to try Nunn and cannot get it here!! My omg-can’t-live-without-it running item is definitely my bright pink iPod shuffle, because I am yet to make that leap to non-music-dependent running like you, oh wise one! One day.


  13. Um definitely can’t run without my garmin BUT it broke!! *sad face*…. Um I love my Nuun – like you I was like what is this weird fizziness… but then I tried the Lemon Tea and Fruit punch and I drink it just to drink it!!! And I so need those shower pill cloths!! hello I sweat like a crazy fat old man and I hate showering… =) I tweeted this too (@lizbethhtuck) but I feel the less people that know the better chance I have =))


  14. I always have my Garmin and Road ID when I run. My most recent pair of running shoes would have to be my favorite that I have owned. They got me through a 5K PR, a triathlon, and hopefully a 10K this weekend. I think my favorite running accessory is a friend of mine and her dogs though!


  15. I can’t run or walk (currently pg and that’s all I’m ‘allowed’ to do) without my iphone. Since I have a toddler at home I feel like I need to be reachable at all times, and I love my Runkeeper app.


  16. I am in love with Drymax socks — no rubbing anywhere, any time. They don’t get soggy. They do get stinky, but what the heck.


  17. I cannot live without a hair elastic! I swear, i do not understand how some girls can go running and have their hair fly all around their face! it would drive me crazy!! I am also forced (by my mom for my own good) to wear my RoadID whenever i am running outside!


  18. Apparently we like all the same flavors of things, so obviously I want to win more of them. My running essential is the Moving Comfort Juno. VERY essential, if you catch my drift.


  19. Hey Sarah – you will get your BQ. I bet it’s closer than you think. I started reading your blog last year via SR. I’ve always enjoyed it, but these past few months I’ve especially loved seeing all your Olympic Trials, relays and killer PRs. Honestly – you help to remind me that anything is possible. Happy training and great give away!

    My must have running item? My lululemon hat with a tiny zipper pocket for my key. I would love all the items in your give away!


  20. It’s boring, but honestly, I can’t run without BodyGlide. Take my Garmin, take my nuun, take my Gu Chomps (although I’ll fight you to the death if they’re the Blueberry Pomegranate flavor)…but I can’t be left victim to chafing.


  21. Especially for my mid to long runs I love to have my Camelbak handheld water bottle. Nothing kills a run faster than dehydration. I also love my Garmin as well; but I am sure every runner loves their watch :)


  22. Hi Sarah!!! First off – LOVE your site- it was great running into you at Ragnar this year. ;-) thanks for the Nuun samples!

    My can’t live without//run without item would probably be my earphones/ipod. One morning before my track club’s long run, I realized halfway there that I forgot them- and knew that 18 miles would be unbearable without them- so I ran home and grabbed them and showed up (fashionably) late to practice just in time to run and catch up with everyone. Who needs to stretch before a long run anyways?! Right now, I’m pretty much dependent on my music to get me through long runs. There is only so much of my thoughts that I can handle on one run.


  23. I can’t run without sunglasses. Even when it’s grey and cloudy, they are my running security blanket. The last time I tried to run without them, I got a mosquito in my EYEBALL. Gross.


  24. I can’t run without my garmin. I’m a total data geek… and I LOVE seeing how many calories I burned and can then drink in “recovery”!


  25. I cannot live without my moving comfort sports bra and target tanks. I have been wanting to try the bic bands, I have heard they are amazing!!! What an awesome giveaway!!!


  26. great giveaway!! my must have is bic band, no question!! i also have to have my iphone and holder to check pace and have as emergency!


  27. Gotta have my Nike sports bra and, when I run outside, my Garmin. Even when I am not paying attention to pace, it drives me nuts if I don’t know my distance! Oh and I MUST have music unless I am racing or running with a buddy.


  28. I really had to think on this… I like my new shoes a lot, love a good drink of nuun at the end of a long run, but nothing really seemed to stick out as a MUST have item. Until I remembered that I really needed to do laundry tonight because my favorite shirts are both dirty. That would be because I lately seem to have been running in the same two, identical except color shirts. So I guess those are my current must have, can live (or have a good run) without. They are just perfect. Fit great, nice length… LOVE THEM.


  29. Two months ago, I’d say it was my Garmin, but I’ve learned to run without that. I’d say these days, I can’t run without Oiselle threads and Mizuno Precion 12s or Wave Rider 15s. Function + fashion = optimal running


  30. Ummmm – I love the bookshelf mural. Dunno if it’s because I’m from Oregon but I WANT!
    As far as gear goes, I have to have my dog and my iPod. I like to drown out noise. And until I’m hit by a car or chased down by a stealthy attack dog, I stick to blaring music.


  31. Hey! I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I’m a new follower. I also wanted to let you know that I love your blog –You are so funny :) My favorite running item is definitely my Garmin watch!


  32. What an awesome giveaway!! You are the bomb diggity-fo so! Yeah, I went there! As many times as I have tried, I simply cannot run without music. My head is always jam packed and overflowing with information (9 times out of 10 it is useless information) and I cannot seem to get into a good groove without being able to “turn” my brain off. With music I drift off into horribly bad singing in my head and find my happy place.

    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway. I love my BIC bands and you have definetely got me hooked on NUUN as well. I carry a tube in my purse always. :)


  33. This is a tough one. I’d say my Garmin when I’m training for a race, but I also think my small water bottle (one from those belts, which I hate, but the water bottles are handy). I carry one with me during half marathons, because I don’t like having to wait until the water stations if I feel like I need water NOW! I have a Nathan handheld bottle but I don’t always like how heavy it can feel. You’ve turned into one of my favorite blogs to read! Keep up the awesomeness :)


  34. I am obsessed with nuun. I bought some before my half marathon in March because I was struggling with dehydration during runs and it has made a HUGE difference. I really want to try the ShowerPills for when I go for a run in between classes and don’t have time to shower. And I just cut my bangs so I am in the market for a headband that isn’t going to fall off my head


  35. My Brooks Pure Project shoes (several pair in rotation) and lululemon shorty shorts! I go back and forth between loving skirts and loving shorts and right now the shorts are a must have!


  36. Badass giveaway!!

    My favorite piece of running gear is my Garmin…that seems to be a given. Outside of the obvious – my must have are a good pair of dry-fit socks. I am currently obsessed with the brand feetures. Love.


  37. I can’t live without my running tank tops. In the winter they make me feel all safe and secure under all my layers of warm and fuzziness. In the summer they keep me cool and let me get a great tan so I can wear cute, sleeveless dresses and outfits without the tan line. AND they come in all sorts of super bright colors. I’ve loved following you this year through your super highs and not so fun times. You inspire me to keep pressing on, and to keep enjoying those adult carbs in between the races! You and Sweaty should come down to Wrightsville Beach, NC for their marathon in March. It’s a super fast course at the beach, and one of Runner’s World’s top marathons. AND Bart Yasso was the featured pasta dinner speaker this year. It’s super fun and you’d have a free place to stay :)


  38. My Brooks Ghost 4s–I tried three different pairs of shoes when I started training for my first half marathon, and had heel and knee pain wearing all of them. Then I found the Brooks and running has become 100x easier and more fun!


  39. What a great package! I definitely need either
    My Bicband or Sparkly Soul band, and my iPod when I run. I just ordered my firt Garmin, so I’m excited to see how dependent I become on that!! ;-)


  40. I cannot live without my garmin! But not so much for pace- but so I can find my way back to where I started without getting lost!


  41. I love love love (Read: need) my Mizuno shoes. They’re the only pair I’ve found to not hurt my feet and they enabled me to finish my first half marathon this past weekend in San Diego!


  42. The only thing I currently must have for running are the new socks I just got Saturday at Sports Authority the were spendy but have a great warranty. I also sometimes rock a run in my sparkly mermaid green running skirt. If a run is for charity and has a them my hubby and I will rock some cool socks, shirts, or this past weekend a lot of glow necklaces and braclets for a night five miler….


  43. My RoadID bracelet! I run a lot in the early mornings alone, so it gives me piece of mind in case something should happen (knock on wood!)


  44. I have a lovely orange Nike running shirt that I can’t live without. It is a sad day when I need to do laundry and don’t have it!


  45. WOW! What an awesome giveaway. Obviously I can’t live without my Garmin, or my Nathan handheld water bottle. I need to get a new one though that holds my phone in the little pocket! PS – PB GU is the BEST.


  46. So this may be cheesy but my favorite, must-have, can’t-run/live-without item is my running partner in crime…my mom! She is ridiculously amazing at 57 and I wouldn’t dream of BQ-ing with anyone but her =)

    p.s after long runs {errr any run } she forces us to rehydrate with wine coolers {twist my arm} gosh I love her!


  47. My can’t run/live without is my Moving Comfort Juno bra and my dog. My bra keeps everything from bouncing all over the place and my dog will not let me leave on a run without her. Once she sees the shoes, she just follows me around until we leave.


  48. I will not leave home without my RoadID.

    I can forget my watch [how slow am I going?], my BIC bands [ugh, sweaty bangs], my body glide [chaffing never looked so good], or my iPod [and somehow the only song I know is the chorus to We Are Young] but I will not leave for a run without my RoadID.


  49. Must have item are my road runner socks that have compression in the arches! They feel amazing on my high arches and I am pretty sure they make me run faster! :)


  50. Can’t run without my totally kick arse running partner. He’s my must-have for LR’s – keeps me going when I want to walk, cheers when we set a new PR, unleashes the snark when I’m having a bad day and need to talk about ‘oh so annoying co-workers…spouses…siblings…whatever.’ Shoes, bra, socks, hat, ipod, all nice to have, but when I’m ready roll, the first thing I do is send a text to make sure he’s heading out too!


  51. Another international entry here – I don’t know if we’re allowed!

    My must have is definitely sunnies. I have about 4 running specific pairs (I can get them cheap through work), so I can wear a different pair depending how sunny it is, and what mood I’m in! My absolute faves are Adidas Adizero with polarized lenses, or my Adidas Shields that look more fashionable.

    Food wise I love Honey Shotz – pure honey in little squeeze packs.


  52. This giveaway is AWESOME!! My CAN’T RUN without item is my garmin. Even if I’m just going in a walk, I can’t leave the house without it. Not knowing exact mileage and pace would mess with my undiagnosed OCD :)


  53. Not to be a total copycat, but I’ll definitely have to go with my black BIC band and marathon yellow Pro compression socks. (My friends recently told me that compression socks make me look like I’m wearing Jane Fonda leg warmers. And my mom says I look like a race horse with socks on? I love them anyway!) I also can’t forget my Nike DriFit capris. No chafing, no problem! (And my Garmin. Good GOD I’d die without it.)


  54. Yes, keep growing out your hair!
    For realz, my fav run item is my Garmin because I can not tell the difference in 11 min miles and 8:30s sometimes. You know, you feel like you are cruising around sub-9, then look down and see 10:xx. Shiit. That things helps keep my butt in gear.


  55. there is no way on god’s green earth that i will win this but i need ALL of these things because they are my favorite too! And i run with Team Challenge (to support research for Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis) and Orange and blue are the team colors so i need that nail polish like WHOA. And likely those wipes for real. and back up compression socks…


  56. I can’t run even run a 5k without water/Nuun (unless racing). That and I’m COMPLETELY addicted to the NB Minimus line – street or trail – doesn’t matter…I haven’t even put my foot in a traditional gym shoe in over a year and a half.


  57. My must have item is a $7 tank top that I still cannot let go…it’s been through so much and is still going strong. It’s by far my favorite running top!


  58. My all-time cannot run without item is the MapMyRun app. If I don’t know how far I go, sometimes there seriously is no point. Whether its 2 miles or 12, I have to know my distance.


  59. I can’t run without my BIC bands! They are AMAZING and super cute. Also my iPod shuffle, love how small and light it is. Everything in this giveaway is awesome.. I would be so excited to win!


  60. Holy MAN this give away is serious!

    Honestly, I won’t leave the house without my credit card…I know that sounds pretty lame but I’m running NYC, sometimes I end up in another borough and I need to subway it back. Or I need water. Or sometimes me and running get in a fight and I need to buy ice cream.

    If I’m being less practical and more run-ish, then the vote goes to my lululemon “run a marathon” crops. ;)


  61. I can’t run without a good hair tie. I have so many hair ties but only some of them work the way I need them to in order to keep my hair back!


  62. I literally. I mean really really. Can. NOT!!! live WITHOUT my rogas!!!! All of my other running shorts are pretty pissed off at me bc they don’t get the time of day now. True. Story.


  63. Great give away! I think my favorite running item is my favorite tank top. It isn’t always (hardly ever) warm in northern MN but when it is I love to wear that top, it is the most comfortable, most perfect tank top ever! My next favorite would be my winter running socks, keep my toes nice and cozy without turning them into an oven!


  64. Sadly, I have recently been unable to run without my Garmin. I finally did a 10K without it about a month ago and it only took about 3 miles for me to finally stop freaking out about not knowing AT ALL how fast or slow we were going (I was running with my friend), haha.


  65. Oh. My. Gosh. This is amazing! I’d have to say that I can run without my new Nike sportwatch. I don’t so much track my splits, but I love keeping track of my miles then posting them on facebook later for the world to see :)

    PS, I like your hair short! You almost inspired me to cut mine…that sounds super stalkerish especially because I think this is the first time I’ve actually posted a comment although I’ve been reading for a long time :)


  66. Solid giveaway.. I love all these things!! I am going to need the rest of the nuun rita ingredients as well..thanks! :) I can’t run without my Nike + GPS watch. It just feels good on my it uses my smart shoe pod if I lose satellite while, say, running in the middle of the Oregon coastal range during Hood to Coast.


  67. I can’t run without my Asics or “my cloud” as I like to call it. I also can’t seem to run without cheering myself on at some point, whether I’m feeling good or wanting to die. :p


  68. I love lots of my running stuff but the only thing I absolutely will not run without is my KT Tape. It’s what keeps me running even with tendonitis.


  69. I have been doing lots of long trail runs in preparation for my first 50k this summer, so my must have running item would have to be my hydration pack. (So that I can carry all my gu’s, iphone, water, keys, random stuff that I take with me!)

    Also, yay for getting to come to the Olympic Trials! SO awesomel! I live in Eugene and my husband is a photojournalist and is going to the Trials to take pictures. I wasn’t invited :( Maybe I will drag my kids to Hayward and make them stand outside with me. . . :)


  70. Lately, my favorite, can’t leave home without it item has been my hat (with sweat band!) that I got as part of the swag from last year’s Air Force half marathon. Since we’re training for our first full, I love wearing that hat as a reminder of what I’m training for (plus it keeps the sweat out of this little piggy’s eyes).


  71. I cant run without gum…. I don’t know why but I love to chew gum while I run. Not quench or any sport gums but stride sweet mint.


  72. Hmmm I’d have to say my must haves are my amazing Moving Comfort sports bra, body glide, body glide and body glide lol. I even wear that stuff when i wear dresses…damn thighs!!


  73. Can’t leave home without my Garmin!! And of course I also tweeted this awesome giveaway!
    It sucks that you didn’t BQ this time around, but I have faith that you will in the future! Enjoy every run, and every marathon, not everyone one is going to be great or a PR, especially since you are running so much more now – the odds are against you! But I have faith in your BQ happening!


  74. I probably would have a hard time running without my running shoes. Next up, I bought my first running skirt (a Brooks PR mesh skort) and I am in love! Why had I not bought one sooner?

    This giveaway is the bomb dot com. I am a new reader and I love your blog. It makes me happy.


  75. Oh my gosh, I want all of it!

    Current Can’t-Live-Withouts include Nike tempo shorts, Nike sports bras, grape Nuun (in a camelback) and my Garmin. God knows I can’t leave the house without Garmin. If I didn’t record it, it didn’t happen.


  76. My absolute cannot run without item are my LuLulemon Run Speed Shorts. They are expensive and I have bright pink, so I’m wearing bright pink a lot. I’m also a new found lover of ProCompression socks. They played a huge part in my sub-4 marathon last month.

    I also don’t know what your hair looks like when it is cut short, but I always regret cutting mine when I reach for a ponytail and it’s half the size.


  77. Retweeted it.

    Oh and long hair. There is just so much more you can do with it. At least that is how I justify keeping mine long for the last 17 yrs.


  78. My must have running item is my iPod, it sets my pace and keeps me going. Most of my music is pump up music so I get a good rush to keep going.

    I also tweeted about the contest :)


  79. that is an awesome giveaway! I love having my phone with me to track my mileage & pace- hope to get a Garmin one day! and I think your hair looks cute as is :)


  80. I can’t live/run without my iPhone and Sauconys. My Sauconys keep my feet and knees happy, while my iPhone keeps me entertained with ‘tunes. And having a phone is always handy when getting caught in a storm, or if I trip over my beloved Sauconys ;)


  81. My iPhone….if I didn’t record the d@mn run on RunKeeper and it didn’t upload to Facebook well in my book, it didn’t happen. Love it how public media keeps me accountable lol!


  82. I can’t live without my yoga pants and yoga mat — I wear my yoga pants under dresses at work so I’m ready to hit the yoga studio or roll out the mat in my living room every evening, no excuses.


  83. My Kinvaras! I’ve been running in them for a year & a half now, and I’m never wearing anything else. Plus, my latest pair are neon yellow, and I’ve gotten quite a few compliments for them.


  84. I can’t run without my lip balm…avon brand or Burt’s. I have multiple tubes stashed everywhere in case of emergency.


  85. Umm I LOVE BIC bands and Nuun!! My favorite running item that I currently can not run without is my new Brooks Pureflows. I just tried Brooks (I was a Saucony girl) and I am IN LOVE!!! Still love my Saucony’s too but as of right now my feet feel great in my new brooks.


  86. Gotta go with my iFitness belt. Anything over 8 miles and that sucker is coming with me! (2nd place would be sparkly headbands. I’m so not a girly girl, but I love the sparkly headbands. Plus I always get compliments from the 3 years at the gym).


  87. It’s my first comment to your blog….been reading for about a year. I love it because I am also a former softball player turning into a runner. I usually rock the pre-wrap headbands with the race braids so I would love the bic bands!! But my gotta-have-it running item is my mizunos! I have other shoes but I feel like I am cheating on my mizunos if I’m not them.


  88. I can’t run/live without my ASICS!!! Totally in love with them! I also can’t run without my LSU baseball cap! Gotta represent LSU!! Geaux Tigers!


  89. I can’t live without my Amphipod running water bottle. I even carry it during races because I’m so used to training with it, and it’s easier to unscrew the top as I come up to a water stop and dump in a cup or two of water, rather than dumping them down my front. Really came in handy during my last race when they ran out of cups half way through!


  90. I cant live without my sweaty bands–similiar to a BIC band…although I am digging the BIC band sparkles–super cute! I seriously need the shower pill wipes–I try to squeeze in a run at lunch time sometimes and Im pretty sure my co-workers hate me because of it! Great giveaway!!


  91. Gum! I know it’s weird and there are literally a billion things I need to physically run, but mentally I can’t head out without a fresh piece (or two for a long run)


  92. I cannot run with any hair in my face whatsoever. So I always always run with my elasic band to keep my hair in a ponytail. And a headband to keep my bangs out of my face. And I also love my Garmin because I’m geeky and like stats.


  93. Ohhhhh…would love this stuff! I’ve been wanting to try so many of these things! I’m a fairly new runniner (less than 1 year) and just signed up for my first half! Currently my iPhone with my “running” playlist is an absolute must….and also my BondiBand….cause I sweat like a pig and it pretty much holds about a gallon of sweat! It also doesn’t slip (but not nearly as cute as the Bic Bands)!


  94. I absolutely cannot get out there without my Garmin. I’m obsessed. In fact in training my running partner won’t let me wear it because I get so Type A ….which I really think means I turn into a monster.


  95. A really good sports bra. Current favorite is this heinous UA one that zips up the front and gives me mega uni-boob. But those puppies aren’t going anywhere, and that’s what matters!


  96. DUDE-this rocks. I need my Garmin. I need my ipod. I need my knee strap. I need my Nike Sunglasses. I also need my ibuprofen. I got a problem with the ibu.
    Superfantastico giveaway!


  97. i cannot run without my iPod or a running buddy! otherwise i get in my head too much and will find any reason to stop. :)


  98. My must haves are headbands. I don’t think I’ve ever ran without some sort of headband strappin’ down all my crazy fly-aways. My race-day headbands are cute crocheted ones that my grandma makes. I’ve never tried the BIC bands, but I’m very intrigued…especially since they are sparkly!!!


  99. My must have(s) include:

    Music (latest running/paleo podcast included)
    Gu (1 for each hour of running)
    $5.00 in case I need a taxi / food
    Gum (keeps me from grinding jaw)

    This looks like a great giveaway!


  100. I picked up a homemade headband at the Yuengling Marathon. It’s made of swimsuit material. Not nearly as attractive as Bics, but not a drop of sweat got in my eyes. And the proceeds went to charity.


  101. I just started running and I can’t run w/o my iPhone, I use the Nike+ app. I was going to get a garmin, but I just dont run far enough quite yet. I also love my lulu run skirts and speed shorts.


  102. Running capris that don’t ride up or fall down, my hair pulled back in a pony tail, plus lots of water post run. (Oh, and I’m not picky about tops, that is why I didn’t mention them, not because I don’t wear them. Let me clarify that.)


  103. What a great giveaway! :) My running must-have is my Road ID. Gotta stay safe when I run, since I’m usually out on my own.


  104. I don’t really have any musts besides water and clothes that cover me decently. :-) I do always wear my hair in a rubber band so maybe that is a must have.


  105. HOLY AWESOME GIVEAWAY! When I run I always wear my livestrong bracelet, and my Garmin 405. I almost always have my dog with me as well. Can a dog be a running accessory? If so, and you aren’t about to call the humane society on me I will go with D. Dog, as my favorite running accessory!


  106. I wish I had a Garmin to need, but I don’t so I’ll have to say my sports bra. Runs are SO much better when your jiggle is minimized. Seriously, Moving Comfort is my hero(ine).


  107. I have this headband thing that I got for free before a football game (in Eugene actually). I love it because it covers my ears from wind and wear it for every workout.


  108. I can’t run without my Garmin if I don’t have I mentally shut down and the run sucks. I also have a hard time running without my running partner, my mom, she is always pushing me and doesnt let me slack off.


  109. Fellow Ohioan and country music lover here! :) Excited to try the Bic bands ( have had several fails with my beloved Sweaty Bands). Can’t run “long” without Nuun!!


  110. Totally my “This American Life” podcasts. I wish I was kidding, but it’s just like running with that friend who has the best stories (plus you don’t have to keep thinking of stories to tell in response!)



  111. Favorite drink- marg. and then because I just drank 500 cals in a cup, I have to run 20 miles….it would be cute either way, really.

    Must have- I wish I could say my garmin, but I went cheap and got Nike+, so that.


  112. Peanut butter. I eat it pre-run, post-run, and just whenever I’m hungry. I don’t know if I eat peanut butter to fuel my runs, or need to run because I eat so much peanut butter!


  113. I love my Camelbak. I run with a Lobo and am already on my second one. Even for shorter runs, as a big runner, I need a lot of water. Plus I can carry my iPhone in it and don’t need an arm band.


  114. Nothing like a sweet giveaway to get me to finally comment on a blog!! My must-have is definitely the Fiona sports bra from moving comfort. I love reading your blog and I find it very motivating! My PR is a 3:48 and I am desperately trying to BQ so I can Joing my sister in Boston (she clearly got the fast genes)!!


  115. My can’t-live-without item is compression calf sleeves. I’ve had chronic stress fractures in my shins and first started wearing compression socks while recovering from my last stress fracture before the Pittsburgh Marathon. I wear them on all my long runs and swear by their magic healing powers. PS Sarah – my vote is keep growing your hair out. It looks so cute right now!


  116. I can’t run without SOME sort of band holding my hair back (currently using Champion brand ones from Target – it works only okay) as well as those clips that cluttered all gymnasts’ hair, circa 1996 Olympics. Also can’t live without my Strawberry Lemonade Nuun and Balega socks.


  117. Compression pants, ear buds that stay in my ear, lemon-lime nuun, and a positive attitude (because every hard mile makes me question myself).


  118. my god, i want all these things. i’m a sucker for bic bands and calf compression sleeves. also, post-LR pizza, probably the most essential part of my running.


  119. My must haves, Hmmmm, Swedish Fish for fuel or just a pound snack b4 bedtime!! I also cannot live withour marshmallows. Which is apparently the weirdest snack craving ever!
    Love my running skirts, sauconys, and sweet MPG shorts i scored at Marshalls!!! My fav running must have is Blog stalking, only running blogs.


  120. Always have to wear my Road ID, especially when traveling for work or races and away from home. I love exploring a new city by running but have to have my Road ID with me…never leave home without it!


  121. My must have when running is gum! I chew gum the entire time. I have been doing it for so long now that I don’t even realize that I pop a new piece in until someone comments about it! ha! It’s kind of cool to see what everyone needs to feel comfortable in their runs!


  122. garmin + something lululemon to make me feel semi-cute + these cheap target headbands that are the only ones i’ve found that stay on my head – i need to try the bic bands!


  123. So much sparkly fun-ness!! My favorite running thing is my Brooks! I was always a Mizuno girl but once I switched to Brooks ALL my hip issues cleared up!


  124. umm, does yoga count? otherwise nike tempo shorts. if it ain’t broke, I’m not gonna fix it. though, I had a “lucky” nailpolish color too, teal that I renamed “game-on green”. Unfortunately, my game was not so on that day…


  125. I really like compression socks. And I am a dedicated Asics running shoe girl. And peanut butter (not for WHILE I run but during every other second)


  126. Love the bookshelf…is that drawn on the wall?? Ballsy… =)

    My can’t run without item is my Garmin, but I also love my Asics…I’ve tried to to love other sheos but just can’t.

    LOVE the socks, those are super cute! And let me tell you, those wipes?? I need to find them and buy a boat load!

    PS new to your blog! Love it! =)


  127. I just started reading your blog and I love it! I have been running for about a year and am training for my first marathon. I cannot live without my Garmin 610!


  128. Holy shit thats a lot of responses already, well, I LOVE BIC Bands for one. They really don’t slip. Another current must have right now are S-Caps for my chronic electrolyte imbalance. They work pretty well. Also shared these favs and facebook!


  129. My must have running item is my Garmin. Very original answer I know, but it’s true! I also own way too much Nike gear, I need to venture out and try some other brands.


  130. What an awesome giveaway! I can’t live without my iPod shuffle. The right tunes get me so pumped!

    I’ve never commented on your blog before but I’ve been reading for ages. My name is Sarah too and I really love your writing style (you’re so funny!) and feel like we could be real life friends! Thanks for offering such a great package to your readers!


  131. I love the Saucony Run Lux shorts – they’re so much more comfortable and lighter than Nike Tempos. And I guess my Asics, because my knees would knock without them (no joke). Motion control for the win!


  132. Awesome giveaway!
    My Garmin would probably be the top of the list, and depending on the day body glide is pretty high on the must have list also.


  133. I simply cannot run without my chapstick. I’m an addict. I can go without just about everything else but if my lips get dry, forget it.
    I love all the loot in your giveaway! I’ve been wanting to try Bic Bands since I have never found a headband that doesn’t drive me crazy. Thanks for the chance to win! And don’t worry, you’ll get your BQ I just know it!


    • p.s. how short are you thinking of going with your hair? i’m currently trying to decide between still growing it out (it’s between my shoulder blades right now) or chopping it to a super short pixie.


  134. My moving comfort sports bra! Someone has to keep those babies in place!! And my garmin, my’s bff…we don’t go anywhere without each other!


  135. Total skirt convert, I will occasionally do capris, but love, love, love the skirts….Saucony Guides are a close second!


  136. Congrats on Oiselle and thanks for the giveaway!

    My favorite running item is my Garmin. I CAN run wtihout it, but love tracking progress and having a record of each run!


  137. a pony tail holder. those girls on the treadmill who ‘workout’ with their perfect curls still in the perfect spot? not me. and good socks. can’t run without socks!

    i like your hair in a shoulder-ish bob!! :)


  138. My new Newton running shoes!!! Now when I put on my regular old runners they feel like lumpy pillows. Waaay too much shoe. Plus they are so light they have made me faster!! ;)


  139. Awesome giveaway, I LOVE every item on there and the NUUN I tried because you raved so much about it!!! My must have/can’t live without running items are chapstick, Orbit Strawberry gum, and my GARMIN!!! Oh yeah and Happy National Running Day!!! :)


  140. This is a freaking awesome giveaway. Awesome. I can’t live without “No More Tangles” after a run. I have been growing my hair out to donate it, and it gets SUPER tangled even in a braid. So I use a ton of conditioner and no more tangles. (Am I the only one who remembers this stuff from when I was a kid? And still gets it?)

    And by the way, I think you are an awesome runner. I have run 10 marathons, and my first “real” BQ try will be in October. I got my first sub-4 at marathon #9. You will get it, keep running!


  141. I’m really trying to get on the Nuun bandwagon, but it’s hard to transition to from my over sweet Crystal Light. And I think you should keep growing it out- it’s so much easier to fix on the go (i.e. after runs) when it’s longer- you can pull it back in so many different and pretty ways, or just a simple ponytail.


  142. PICKY BARS – usually what I bribe myself with on tempos/workouts
    COFFEE – another bribe source
    STRAWBERRY-LEMONADE NUUN – I also like fruit punch and tropical
    DEODORANT – so I don’t smell
    MY ERICA SARA NECKLACE – it reminds me of the correct mindset I should have


  143. Shot bloks have my heart…I actually ate 3 today just for fun. Oops.

    BIC bands are also necessary bc I have huge hair and need something to control this beast.

    And Nuun, obv. Anything that helps running and hangovers is a must have in my book.


  144. I recently started running-running in January (as in more than a 20 minute “omg I am dying” walk-jog-hyperventilate session). So I don’t have a lot of experience with my loves/necessities quite yet. But I have run several races now, including two halfs and I plan on running my first full in October! I have to say, I really love my Asics. They are super comfortable. I also love running skirts. They let me express my girly-ness.


  145. I just tried the Shower Pill for the first time a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! It’s so great to be able to get a run in on my lunch hour. I must have my garmin for a run – I feel lost without it.


  146. I can’t run without my Garmin! I’m new at speedowrk and MGP’s and everything so my Garmin is the key to figuring it all out! I have never tried compression socks before but I’m interested!


  147. iPhone for music! But that is soon to be replaced by my little Garmin FR70. I’ve had it for two weeks and I already love it.


  148. I LOOOOVE ProCompression socks!!! I swear by them for every long run I do now… and pretty much any other run if they are clean :)


  149. What a great giveaway! I started reading your blog last year via SR and I love being inspired by your exploits :) My running must have is a bic band–the one hairband that will stay on my fine hair and I also love lululemon shorts: flattering with a zipper pocket for my key.


  150. Ooh ooh, I really wanna try ShowerPill! I love getting my sweat on – showers definitely fall farther down the priority list. My fav running item right now? Violet long rogas! Love the fit and all the pockets.


  151. Won’t – no can’t – run without my IFit double pouch belt. The amount of crap I can stuff in that thing is mindboggling!


  152. Running skirts for the win! Also I’m completely addicted to my garmin.

    FYI this package is awesome! I’ve been dying to try nearly every item in this giveaway!


  153. Yay!! I love me a giveaway (and some OUaL). My MUST have during runs is my BIC headband. I only have one, but it is the ONLY thing that will stay in my hair.


  154. The thing I’d be most excited about winning is the nail varnish. I love those sinful colors SOOOO much, I have about 20!!! Stuff all the expensive things, it’s the $1.99 nail varnish that would get me excited!!!

    When it comes to running, I can’t run without my pro foot plantar fasciitis insert. It saved me from foot pain and saved the husband from having to shell out on new running shoes!!! I am a convert!!

    I hope I win…I quite fancy those compression socks too!


  155. Amazing giveaway!! Love your blog and read along, though I’ve never commented before. My running must-have is my “last resort” sports bra from title nine. I truly cannot run without one! Also, I must thank you for turning me on to Nuun. I’m a recent but dedicated convert. :)


  156. I can’t run without my watch. I’m not a garmin girl, but I am apparently obsessed with knowing what time it is….
    Love this give away idea! Congrats on Oiselle and you’ll get your BQ!


  157. Hey, I met you in the beer garden after O2O (didn’t realize it hadn’t been a great race for you, sorry!!) and thought I’d stop by your blog to say hi. And it’s my lucky day, giveaway galore! :) Can’t run without my watch – as much as I hate myself for checking my splits every 0.33 seconds, when it lost signal around mile 18.5 of O2O I had a small panic attack.. read your recap, sounds like the same thing happened to you. Mine re-found signal eventually (at like mile 22 or 23), but it definitely threw off my mental game for the end of the race. :(


  158. My MUST have/cannot live without item to run is… MY SMILEBOMB. I must be the enthused, “hello!”, smiling runner to every fellow runner I encounter. We are all teammates!


  159. I must, must, must have my moving comfort Juno bra and my Brooks Ravenna’s, I run with nothing else as long as I have those two items ;). Although, I’m sure the neighborhood thinks otherwise.

    And you should most certainly keep growing your hair out!! I have been working on growing out my hair for YEARS and it’s finally able to mostly all go into a pony. It’s about your length and I am just waiting for the morning that it all goes up without any stragglers.


  160. Ummm this is an AMAZING giveaway… I’d probably say one of my fav things is my hydration belt. I like to run through the streets of downtown Chicago (lotsss of people watching…hello hot business men in suits?!) so there’s obviously no water stops on the streets. :)


  161. Can’t run without my sports bras. No particular brand just make sure there are 2 and we’re good to go. Great giveaway! And btw love your blog….super funny and totally real, love it!


  162. Oh man, this giveaway is amazing. I can’t run without a headband and several hair ties. I absolutely hate feeling my hair move when I’m running.


  163. I can’t run without my Garmin. I like to be able to run wherever I feel like going, but still know how far I’ve gone. Rogas have been a newer must-have for me.


  164. Cut your hair! I think the shortish length you have is super cute.

    My favorite must-have running items are my Feetures socks. I am obsessed with them nd can’t run with anything else. I used to wear cotton running socks (ha!) until a serious runner/running shoe salesperson taught me the error of my ways. Feetures socks feel like cotton (i.e., soft) but they’re synthetic–keep my feet dry and blister-free. Love!


  165. I can’t run without a dry fit material hat. I tried a headband old school style like some of the NBA ballers but just didn’t feel right.


  166. Posted to FB which is my stock loser of the year so far too. So much for trying to make up for having passed in Google. It’s like a double penalty.


  167. It isnt an item, but the “thing” I can’t run without is a route. Mostly because I dont have a GPS watch so I don’t know the distance, but also because I dont want to “think” while I run. Knowing my route beforehand allows me to run freely without worrying how far/where I’m going.

    As for your joke question (which I’m sure you want an answer for), my favorite drink is a mojito for happy hour, and Chablis wine with food! And I think you should keep your hair short (as long as it’s long enough to still tie when running). It’s more perky and fun than long hair!


  168. Love love bic bands and the compression socks! I seriously want a pair in every color!

    Ps. Short hair is so cute on you! Chop it!


  169. In marathons (and halfs during the warm months), I can’t run without my camelbak! Year-round, I guess it would be my (not) oh-so-flattering clunky running shoes ;)


  170. For everyday running, I must have my Garmin. For long ass runs, my camelback (and Garmin), and Chocolate GU’s. I posted on facebook!


  171. It makes me happy to know I’m not the only person so addicted to my garmin. On more than one occasion I’ve skipped a run because I forgot to charge my garmin. Other than that, there are no must haves.

    I think your hair looks super cute short. However, you’re a cute person so I bet it would look good long too. I personally haven’t cut my hair in over a year, for no other reason than laziness, so you might not want to take hair cutting advise from me ;)


  172. My favorite running items are my Garmin and my new hand-held Nathan water bottle. So much better in my hand than around my waist!


  173. I cannot live without my ages-old Nike Tri sports bra. This thing has been around since I was a wee teen frolicking in Ohio (woot woot OH), and I will not pitch it because I fear the run gods would curse me. So comfy! Thanks for hosting. BQ will be yours soon!


  174. I can’t run without my Nike hat or my headband; it has to be one or the other and my Nike hat serves me well in all races! I feel self concious without it! I also need my watch; not a garmin, nothing fancy, just a good ol’ fashioned pink and white stop watch. :) Thanks for your fun blog and for evening thinking to have all these giveaways! Wowzas!


  175. I can’t run without my Asics XS running socks! I used to run in plain cotton but I got huge blisters when training for my half marathon last year so I got these. My feet are small but these look like kids socks. But they stretch out to fit perfectly and I haven’t had a problem since!


  176. Generic and unoriginal, but I can’t live without my Garmin. I love that guy hard. My Mizunos are a super close second. They make me feel like I’m actually a runner. You are awesome and pretty. Oh! Running blogs! I’m a dork and have come to rely on those a lot too!


  177. I have to have my Garmin when I run! Love to track everything, no matter my pace or mileage. Clothing wise, my Nike tempo shorts. Only ones that fit the booty and don’t ride up!


  178. One of my favorite things about running is that I don’t HAVE to have a ton of gear to do it. Having said that, my favorite running things are 1). my Nike Dryfit visor, 2). recovery drinks (Nuun and Endurox), and 3). my Brooks running skirt. Love this giveaway and love your blog!


  179. Can’t go without my running skirts and Nuun. I have an obsession with Nuun and hawk their product to all my running friends.


  180. Great giveaway!!! I couldn’t run without my iPod!! My music is everything and I would be lost without it!!! (or I would be walking…lol)


  181. Sunglasses are a must! You never know when the sun will start blazing, and sweating and squinting don’t make for a good combination.


  182. My running needs are pretty basic. Good socks, shoes, bra ect. I’m trying to give the Ipod a break this training session and I’m loving it so far! This givaway rocks!!! I’ve been dieing to try the compression socks and bic bands!


  183. My must have, can’t live without it item is my moving comfort fiona bra. I have worn LOTS of other sports bras. But this one holds everything in place comfortably AND makes my non-existant girls look like they exist!


  184. i was the same way with the nuun. it took a few tabs for me to get past the “wtf is this?” phase. now some days i run just to get to the post-run hydration! my cannot-run-without-it item is my moving comfort bra. i never leave home without it!


  185. I hate running in anything but my Nike no show cushioned socks (unless I’m wearing compression socks). These socks fit perfectly, stay put, and are comfy snug. Can’t. live. without. them.


  186. I must have my Shot Bloks! I haven’t jumped on the compression sock bandwagon but with my constant battle against shin splints, I think it’s time to try….for free!?! :)


  187. I must-have, can’t-live/run-without a non-GPS watch, a piece of gum, and running socks (preferably Balega). I refuse to wear any old cotton socks to run!


  188. Right now my run essential is my SPIbelt. I like to be able to have my phone with me, just in case, and it fits well and doesn’t bounce in the belt.

    I keep hearing good things about these headbands…but I’m not 100% convinced. I guess I should check them out at the next expo I’m at.


  189. My beloved adidas adios are of course on the top of the list – but compression socks and garmin are pretty far up there as well!


  190. I can’t run without my BIC band. I have two and LOVE them. They don’t move and are super cute so even when I’m sweaty and nasty I can still feel a little girly. Oh and of course my Garmin, gotta know that pace at all times :)


  191. Hi!! I can nooot run without my bandanas! I sweat so much and much like you were saying with the weird head shape/head bands slipping off problem I love bandanas because you can tie them as tight as you need to. I get flustered when I feel sweat dripping all over my face and in to my ear/ipod headphone area (gross? oops) so I find this really takes some of my worry away. I’m definitely going to check these products out though! Thanks for the tips :)


  192. I can’t run without some new songs and soft dri-fit gear! I’ve become obsessed with cruising the Nike clearance site. :)


  193. My Moving Comfort Vixen bra is a must have. The girls are so much happier now. Also, cut your hair. I’m about to do the same. It can always grow back!


  194. What a great giveaway! I can’t run without Glide…otherwise it would be pretty ugly and very painful in the shower :)


  195. Well, right now I’m packing a few extra pounds from foot surgery this spring, so I MUST have Body Glide for my inner thigh chub rub.


  196. Moving Comfort Sports bra and smart wool socks. I vary between Nike Shorts (tho I’d love to try the ones you’re wearing) and Skirt Sports skirt, sometimes I have to wear pants (warm pants) because it is VT.


  197. Awesome giveaway! Those compression socks are magical. I recently got a Garmin and it has changed my life, now I can’t run without it. I also can not run outside without my sunglasses, regardless of weather.


  198. Aside from my inhaler being a must, I absolutely love any of my Nike pants/capris with the zip butt pocket to put things, including my phone, in during races. I hate holding things, so for races where a few items are necessary those are perfect. Hump butt? No big deal. Look Ma, no hands!


  199. What an awesome giveaway! I’m now dying to try out the BIC bands…it has to beat wearing like 50 hair clips (exaggerating, but still) and I have compression socks on my want list. My favorite item for a run? My sports bra from Danskin. Sadly, they don’t seem to make them anymore. It has great wicking and seam in just the right places to avoid that “beaming” effect. And, I’ve never had an issue with the seam chaffing. There you have it…would love to win! Will tweet under @splintergirl.


  200. Wow — what an incredible giveaway!
    My must-have for running (go ahead, judge away) is NPR podcasts — I listen to Fresh Air, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Car Talk, or This American Life during most of my runs. They keep me interested and often have me laughing out loud… much to the confusion of the people around me. For races I usually stick to music, but I couldn’t get through training runs without these.
    PS — Congratulations on the Eugene trials — can’t wait to follow all the excitement through you and Emily!


  201. WHen I was training for my half I HAD to have my best friend with me for our long runs. It just didn’t feel right without her…and not to mention I probably would have walked about a million times if she wasn’t there pushing me on. And besides my bestie, I have to have my beats!


  202. I can’t run without my water bottle lately. Here in Texas it is already ridiculously hot and humid, so I would most likely die without it.


  203. I can’t run without my garmin…it’s totally mental but I can’t. I also have an obsession with Nike Tempo running shorts but have recently found out I like a running skirt…who knew?! My fave is a pleated black Fila I got on clearance! Rad giveaway…fingers crossed the winner is, well duh…me!


  204. Definitely my Garmin…although I’m not original based on all the other comments. I”m honestly obsessed with watching my pace, heart rate, etc. Ha. What happened to leisurely running?


  205. I can’t run without my iPod nano on long runs. Focusing on the music instead of the slow death of each stride gets me through it!


  206. I am a very low-maintenance runner. I even ran barefoot once when my shoes were stolen on vacation (I ran mostly on the beach but had to run about a half mile to the beach and then back from the beach on the road barefoot). I would have to say that my number 1 must-have is non-wedgie-causing underwear!


  207. Can’t live without many things, but topping the list would be Gu (obvs) and Thorlo socks. My feet would be 10 shades of ugly (uglier?) if it weren’t for those bad boys. Also, you should totally let your hair grow out — I cut mine last month and it’s so hard to put up when I run. I would rather be bald than have fly-aways in my eyes.


  208. My newest love is smartwool socks – I thought they were overrated and overpriced until I got a pair. Holy amazeballs, they’re great! :)


  209. My lululemon sports bra and my “rundies” See what I did there, combined running and undies. I don’t run with them. Good thing I have a few pairs :) Also love my new spibelt to hold everything those teeny tiny running pants pockets won’t!


  210. Oh yea. I Facebooked too! But I said something different. I talked about my lucky race hair ribbon with turtles on it. Ribbons are just girly enough, yet not quite a tutu. And turtles are sadly overlooked in the sports world, but many forget that the turtle won!


  211. I love this giveaway! Hmmmm…let’s think. I can’t run without my Garmin. I like to run based on how I feel so I never look at it unitl the end, and I see if my pace/distance matched how good/bad I felt.


  212. Oh and I just tweeted. ‏@marymm @SarahOUaL When I first started running, I had to have a sweatband circa 1986. Last year, it was Gu. This year, it’s Nuun..and nuunaritas. And I am serious about the sweatband. Totally couldn’t stand the sweat in my eyes, and I didn’t’ care that I looked like a girl out of the Eric Prydz Call On Me video. Those were the days. I have (sadly) since moved on to Bic Bands/Sweaty Bands.


  213. Not to be extra obnoxious or anything, but in addition to my black BIC band, yellow marathon Pro comp socks, Nike capris, AND Garmin, I realized on my run this morning that I totally forgot to mention my fab Mizuno Elixirs and my iPod (and corresponding running boyfriends: Pitbull, Usher, and Biebs). I’m embarassed at my high maintenance-ness. Sheesh.


  214. I absolutely can’t run without my hair in a ponytail with 2 Goody ties (my runner OCD doesn’t believe that 1 tie will restrain my hair…weird I know). Your giveaway items are FANTASTIC but the Bic Bands would be great to control my bangs on a run!


  215. Favorite running item: skirt. I love running skirts as much as margaritas (rocks, salt, extra lime) or prosecco. That’s quite a lot of love.


  216. I can’t run without my ipod….a habit I need to break. I also love to have my headsweats visor – it may look goofy but it helps hold my super thick hair up and keeps the sun out of my eyes.


  217. Pretty much like everyone else…my Garmin! Love/hate relationship; we’re only friends when it tells me I’m running the paces I want. But also….Brooks PureCadence, my SPIBelt, Lululemon Inspire crops and Run Swiftly shirts….and my Sugoi r+r ped socks have been my “lucky” race socks so far.


  218. I usually wear my water belt for all runs over 10 miles and most summer heat runs over 4. It’s just nice to have extra water to spray down when it’s 90*.


  219. Holy be-geezus. This is pretty much the best giveaway ever. My hate-to-run without items are my Garmin 305 and Pro-Compression socks. Both are new additions this year and they both actually make me want to run more.


  220. My must have – champion sports bra! Other stuff is important (seamless shorts, lightweight top or layers, mizuno running shoes, Garmin 405) but yes, champion sports bras for the win :)


  221. My must have item is my Garmin. I have no sense of how fast I’m going, how far I’ve run, or how much time I’ve been outside. I would grossly overestimate if left to my own devices.


  222. I can’t run without my hand-held nathan waterbottle. I would probably just perish. Maybe I’ll actually get lucky & win all these amazeballs things? We’ll see. Thanks!


  223. These are great running go-tos and some of my favs! I hope I win! Picking just one must-have is tough! I hate to admit it but I might choose my iPod to keep me revved up and motivated. Other must-haves for me include: Garmin, Nuun, sweedish fish or sports beans, Nathan’s hydration hand-held, Nike Tempo shorts, Brooks pure cadence, aquaphor and body glide, Neutrogena 100 SPF sport spray, head sweats brand visor. If it is cold, I also have to have wicking ear warmers.

    Happy Running!

    I also tweeted about the promotion:


  224. My music. Or well, sound in general. I listen to book on my shuffle for my long runs and they keep me just distracted enough that the miles seem to tick by faster!


  225. My must have is definitely my iphone but apparel wise I looooove UnderArmour catalyst short sleeve T’s. They’re great even in the heat and the cut on them is so flattering, plus the fabric is made out of recycled water bottles! How great it that?


  226. My must have is my garmin….being small chested I get away with the C9 sports bras from Target.. loving all the funky colors they have right now.


  227. I have to have Chapstick with me. I literally can’t function with out it. I forgot mine the morning of the RnR Portland half a few weeks back and literally stole my mothers out of her hand when she used it- thanks mom!!


  228. i canNOT run w/o something holding my hair back. i’d rather run naked with my hair up than clothed with my hair down. i do not understand how people do it


  229. What an awesome prize pack! I’ve been reading a little while & love your sarcasm:-) I can’t run without my compression capri’s. Am looking to become a skirt convert, but haven’t found “the one.”


  230. Can’t live without your blog! Too much? Okay, can’t run without my Juno sports bra. For real, I can do without most other things, but that is the one thing I can’t do without!

    You’ll get your BQ soon!


  231. I second you with the BIC bands being necessary! I ran without one the other day and was so annoyed the whole time at how those little fly away hairs kept sticking to the sweat on my face – ugh!


  232. I have to have TWO hairbands to tie my hair back and keep it up! One band lets my pony tail slip and I end my run with a Thomas Jefferson ‘do.


  233. Athletic tape. No matter what sport bra I wear (and I’ve tried plenty), I get horrible chafing. Tape is the only thing that helps.


  234. Gosh, If I had to pick one thing it would be my compression sleeves or the old calves start throbbing. I also love my Garmin, ipod and body glide (especially in summer). You got me hooked on nuun, but only when I go 5 miles or more.

    Great giveaway Sarah, and keep plugging at that BQ.


  235. Love your blog, Sarah! I can’t run without an extra hair tie. I’m always terrified mine will break and I’ll be screwed. Great prize pack – would love to win!


  236. This is one of the best giveaways I’ve ever seen. I’m going to lose sleep over wanting it SO badly. Without my Moving Comfort bras, I could not and would not run. They are keepers.


  237. Great giveaway! I’m most excited about the BIC bands because I am one of those odd-head-shape people… the headbands I have tried so far just don’t stay put! My running must have is simply my shoes– it made such a difference when I went to a specialty running store and got shoes that actually fit my feet and stride.


  238. Love me some grape nuun! Takes me back to the grape Crush days of junior high. And u should cut hair. Speaking professionally, you have the face and personality for a short and sexy cut. Not everybody does, embrace it.


  239. So so awesome!!! My typically standby is just my mizunos and some nike tempos (and sometimes these 2 cotton grey races tee’s, that as demonstrated, need to go). I have coveted compression wear for a while and want to try some SO. BAD. I am doing my first marathon in Nov. and need to get it together in terms of actually fueling and recovery! :)


  240. My moving comfort bras (Juno and Fiona). As a girl with a lot up top, its the first brand of sport bra I’ve worn where I only need to wear one bra at a time. They’re fantastic and worth every penny!


  241. I can’t run without my favorite sports bra — Enell! I have always wanted a BIC band and some compression socks. I have my fingerse crossed!!


  242. I can’t run without a good sports bra (this includes Target sports bras!) So not into the chaff/bounce action of an inappropriate boulder holder. And, recently discovered BIC Bands and from someone who never could use those damn headbands, I can attest they are sweet and I want more!


  243. This is def. a sweet give-a-way Sarah! Lately while training for my first marathon (next week, eek). I have been falling in love with running, much like you did awhile back (even though I move more at a snails pace than actual “runners”). Following your status updates on Facebook- you have made many good points, about going because you simply can. So I guess the one thing I am not able to run without is my health first and foremost. I can run, and therefore I do- unless I drink too much beer the night before and then Im just an oaf on the couch the next day. :) But, I do think its important to remember that before GPS watches, socks, running belts and GU, we just had our minds and our legs (thankfully this was before my time). However, I still wouldn’t mind adding all your little lovelies to my collection! Don’t worry about that BQ, just makes for another interesting blog post and means that you’re human- you will def. get it when the time is right. I read somewhere that it’s the life between the miles that counts ;)


    • If this was the Miss America pageant that answer would for sure win you the crown. Unfortunately random number generator doesn’t care when picking the winner, but you get two big thumbs up from me!


  244. I’m a retired sprinter and training for my first half marathon. So far I don’t really have a go-to, must need, running item since I’m such a newb (and poor haha). I wear crappy old sports bras, whatever socks I can find that match, and I’m still sporting regular old cotton tees, many of which are grey :) If I had to pick anything, it would be my trusty iphone, for my music and runkeeper app, and my awesome collection of spandex! Winning this would be super fantastic since my long distance running world is just beginning, and it’s quite overwhelming with where to start.. As for your hair, keep it short, less to wash! And my go-to drink are usually the millions of delicious beers the state of Washington has to offer, but when I’m feeling fancy it’s the margarita, and I can just taste the nuun-arita now!


  245. WHAT. WHATWHATWHAT, this looks AMAZING. I can’t run without my Garmin. I’m lost without it. or a BIC Band. Which is why I need a new one… mine are all raggedy from overuse. oooh, I’m in this. yussss.


  246. I can’t run/live without my moving comfort sports bras, Zensah calf sleeves, garmin or bic bands. I guess I should throw my Mizuno in the mix too, def wouldn’t want to run without those.


  247. I cannot live without Vanilla Gu and Strawberry ShocBlocs. I eat them as snacks even when not running. My coworkers think I am crazy.


  248. This is quite the giveaway! I can’t stand running without my Garmin (which is broken right now and I am suffering for it) and good socks (Balega or Smart Wool are some faves).


  249. I can’t run without my super ridiculously tight Title IX compression sports bra. Without it running would not be an option for me and my girls!


  250. Sad but true: Glide. Also Blue Steel tea tree cream for after the run, to put on the friction burns I get after I sweat off all the Glide.


  251. My all time favorite running gear would be my sneakers and my $5 walmart watch. Over the years, I’ve learned that it’s the runner that makes it happen not the things. I’ve let go of my collegiate racing things and learned if I cannot find that darn hair tie the morning of a race, it’s a-ok; I can still run the race because it’s my mind and body doing the work!

    I love workout gear though, I always want to purchase more and more just because it’s comfortable and cute. I love the bic-bands and I love my compression socks. I have to say I do my long runs with those bad boys!


  252. I’m pretty easy going when it comes to my brand/type of gear but I usually have my Garmin, my ipod (if I feel the need for music), a Gu (I’ve just started using Peanut Butter, which I was hesitant with at first to be honest), and my Nathan water bottle with Nuun!


  253. Awesome mix of stuff!!! Can’t run without my MapMyRun app on my phone. Someday I’ll pony up for a GPS running watch, but in the mean time I can’t run without that lovely free app! :)


  254. Thinking about it, I guess I have turned in to a bare bones sort of runner. My ipod broke a year ago so I have gotten used to running with out music and I only run with my garmin once in a while… I think I would say my FAVORITE running item is my jogging stroller, it’s saved me so many times when I have needed to get out and get a run in, yet I still get to spend time with my little guy (1 year old!). This give away would allow me to finally try nuun and those compression socks I have been eyeing!


  255. I can’t run without my hot pink Fossil watch. I’ve had it so long that the clock doesn’t work, but the stopwatch still does! Looking to upgrade to a Garmin… do those come in hot pink? :)


  256. When I started distance running I was fitted with Mizuno Wave Runners and we have been inseparable ever since. Maybe someday I will go minimalist, but for now the Wave Runners offer tons of support while still being light and bouncy = happy running feet.


  257. What an awesome give away! I can’t run without my sports bra. I know duh right. But seriously I just love my zensah sport bra.


  258. My Garmin, it’s really changed the way I train and how hard I push. I don’t think I would have gotten my half marathon PR (17 mins off my previous time!) without it.


  259. Injinji toe socks because my in between toe blisters were gross and getting out of control. Also, I’m new on the nuun bandwagon, but I’m loving it!


  260. Hey Sarah — I tried to BQ on Sunday in San Diego, and it did not go well for me either….. Feeling your pain! But awesome giveaway. I can’t run without my Asics 2160s, and I love my Garmin too!


  261. I’m a sucker for the running capri pant. I prefer those over all other shorts or skirts…..Skirts are a close second though. I would love to win this!!! I have never tried Nuun! Can you effin’ believe it?


  262. This is the first time I’ve commented on your blog and figured now was better than never! I thought I’d give it a shot even though there’s practically a thousand other wishful thinkers trying to win this crazy (awesome) give away. My must-have for any run besides my garmin, would have to be…my hair pulled back with some sort of headband (I don’t have a bic band) and my Mizunos…how lame am I? There’s plenty of gear and clothes that I love, but no absolute must-haves that would keep me from running. Although I am in need of some good compression socks for my dang calf/shin soreness lately and I have a feeling that once I try some, they’ll definitely be a must-have!


  263. I NEED my Zanesh compression sleeves for my shins and they make me feel like I’m back in high school softball with the bobby socks.


  264. Definitely my running shoes. ha

    I would have to say my ipod. I try to atleast turn it down really low during races, so that I can experience all the awesome fans!


  265. my fave sports bras…the C9 champion from target. they’re cheap and wick away my buckets of sweat. garmin is a close second must, though.


  266. My moving comfort bras are a must have for any run! I also really like their shorts because they aren’t super short and don’t ride up. I swear I don’t work for them!


  267. I can’t live without my garmin. But I am desperate to try compression socks and those headbands. My hair is reallllly fine so I’m still skeptical. What a fun give away!


  268. You really want us to tell you ONE thing?! Not possible :) Definitely my Garmin, Brooks (Adrenalines or PureCadence), Body Glide and a braid. Forgot the braid this morning and I seriously spent 20 minutes trying to brush out the rat’s nest.


  269. Body glide. I have no hips and my legs will rub together in the summer. Body glide has completely changed the way I feel about long runs outside.


  270. I recently discovered Mission Athletecare and I now cannot run without their No Sting Sunscreen Facestick. I’m a ginger and sweat like a dude, so I often get burnt on my runs, but this baby has yet to fail me. I love short hair! I have long hair because I have tried every short hairstyle out there and non work for me, but if it does for you, I’d go short! Good luck!


  271. Would LOVE to win this! I can’t run without my iPod or Garmin…and can’t run long without my Nathan 4-bottle belt.


  272. My must have item is my Brooks hat in the summer or my Brooks headband in the winter to keep my little, tiny ears warm. Oh and I usually need some coffee when I wake up before races too!


  273. I’d love to win any of these things! I’d have to say my ipod is my running-can’t-live-without. I wonder if I’ll ever get to where you are, experimenting with silence! I can listen to NPR or music, but I have to have something to distract me.


  274. wow– I can’t believe how many comments you’ve gotten! I can’t run without my handheld- I’ve learned how to run without music, and even sometimes without my garmin, but I feel naked (And anxious) without my nathan.

    ALSO- I also run in brooks launch– did you know they’re discontinuing them?? time to stock up!

    oh, and about your hair, you’re one of few people (as far as pictures go) that I think can pull off short hair well– but how long are you trying to go?


  275. My absolute ‘can not live without it’ is Tri Berry Nuun. I think it makes my legs go faster. I refuse to believe otherwise.
    I don’t think you should cut your hair, keep growing it longer. Short is for over 50 and when you have kids.


  276. A sports bra?

    Aside from the more obvious necessities I think music is what I have to have. Hopefully I will get to a point where I can stand to be alone with all the craziness that goes on in my brain, but I’m not there yet.


  277. Can’t live without my iPhone. So I can take photos on the run and send them to my runner girls. Also Nike tempo, we found love there!

    Love your blog!


  278. I cannot run without my running socks – balega! they are comfy and cushy and the tab in the back keeps me from getting blisters


  279. I cannot run without my phone! sounds weird, but it has my playlist, and a little bit of sentimental value to it. when i ran my first half (the philly rock n roll) i called my fiancé 3 miles out and yelled “get the F to the finish line, I’m never doing this again!!” everyone around me laughed and it was such a memorable moment. I’m signed up for 2 more half marathons now :) my garmin is my other. I cannot not know how fast I am running! my mind always says “slow down you are running way too fast!!’ and it’s usually not the case at all, i just need to get used to the pace.


  280. I can’t do without my pro compression marathon socks! And definitely cute nails are a must. Any color will do, as long as there is some color. Love this giveaway! :)


  281. “Best coast time” is PDT right now ‘cuz it’s Daylight Savings Time ;-)

    You always look so cute…even in your ‘masculine pantsuit’. I love BIC Bands, too. Right now the few things I’m loving with my workouts are my Juno bra, my HR monitor, and my iPod.


  282. A friend just turned me onto your blog and I’m lovig it while I start training for my first half-marathon (so scared). Right now I can’t live without wearing a breathe right strip. It’s the lamest thing ever. But I have grumpy sinuses and the strip is the only way I can breathe. And oh the difference it makes!


  283. I can’t run without my watch (sometimes I go leave the Garmin and run with my old Timex so as not to obsess over pace) and a good pair of running socks – love Thorlos!


  284. Holy hell, you got a lot of comments on this one! Obviously the Garmin is the most important accessory, right? Good to see you on Monday! Have a fantastic time at the trials, I can’t wait to hear about it!


  285. Holy moly you are one popular lady (: the one thing I lust over is my compression sleeves/socks. My fav thing to run with though is my twin sis, she def pushes me the most! Have a fab weekend and good time at the trials!

    Oh, and don’t cut your’s a bitch to pull it back to run with!! I speak from current experience! (:


  286. My must-have is the Moving Comfort Juno sports bra. I haven’t figured out the chafing in the back yet, but it seriously locks the girls down.


  287. This is one hell of a giveaway! I cannot live without a headband to keep my bangs off my face. Not really even sure why I have bangs anyways


  288. I am LOVING my nike+ sensor right now. Its awesome to see exactly how far i have ran. This is such an awesome give away. I have just started training for my very first half marathon so all of this stuff would come in handy!


  289. I’m gonna be boring here….but really, my Garmin and Brooks are the only things I can’t live without. I’m not too picky about other stuff but those are must haves.


  290. Gosh SarahOUAL are you trying to win us all over or what (not that we don’t already love you, but holy giveaway!)

    Obvs cannot run without the Garmin. I think that is just an extenion of a runner’s body. My “must have” item are my Saucony Kinvaras. I’m on my 4th pair and not matter how many times I try to change things up, I always go back.


  291. There are so many MUSTS that I need when running so I’ll go with the majority of the year, I HAVE to run in a low cut tank top. I don’t like sleeves rubbing my armpits, and higher necks overheat me too quickly. As long as its 40 or above, its a staple in my running attire


  292. I love my 2XU compression tights and wear them for long runs often. But my most can’t-live-without run item is Body Glide, which I know you swear by too. Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!


  293. I can’t run / live without chewing gum. While I love my Garmin and iPod, it is gum that really gets me through a run. If I am not chewing on a piece of Trident, my mouth gets all dry and what not. Gum all the way baby!


  294. I can’t run without my Bic Band, there’s nothing worse than having to constantly wipe my hair from my sweaty forehead!


  295. what a great give away!

    for long(er) runs or races, my flip belt. it’s pretty fantastic, it can hold all sorts of neat things, but it just the right kind of snug that it doesn’t flop around. it’s also made by a local company here in colorado!

    also, my runners roost VISOR. i know it sounds lame right? well, after cracking my face open last summer on a trail run && having to get 7 stitches… i now have a lovely scar that turns BRIGHT red if exposed to sun for too long… so yah. gotta protect that skin/face/face scars!


  296. I can NOT live without my Ipod Nano. I know that lots of runners want to “be one with nature” and all that crap, but I’m not going very far without FloRida and Linkin Park forcing me to. And I really think you should continue growing your hair out. :)


  297. I need a good sports bra, going to add my tally for the Moving Comfort Juno for racerback, and I LOVE the Enell cause I need that kind of compression. Also, a running belt, cause my shorts don’t have enough pockets (working on finding the perfect pocket shorts)


  298. I can’t live without my iPhone for running! I am addicted to Nike plus to track my runs and used the couch to 5k app to get started running again after 2 years. Also can’t live without my new balance iPhone armband.


  299. I love my green nalgene bottle that I carry with me constantly to hydrate, it sports my 13.1 sticker and my IRL sticker (for Ireland) Great giveaway!! Love Bic Bands!!


  300. My favorite running item is definitely my new balance shoes!!!!!!! Really been wanting to try those compression socks as well!


  301. I love nuun! I don’t have a blog to write about my love for it, but I thank the blog world for our relationship today. I’ve always wanted to try Bic Bands, it’s hard for me to believe the hype, everything slips off my apparently oddly shaped noggin. And ps we both missed our goals in our last marathons, I feel your pain.


  302. My must have is a tie between my IPOD, compression sleeves or my gps watch, though I guess you could technically count my running shoes too :).


  303. I can run without a lot of things, but the one item that is non-negotiable is a goody ouchless elastics to keep my long/heavy hair out of my face and off my back.


  304. For a lengthy run (over three miles for me) I can’t live without GU (strawberry banana) and a Water Bottle. Everything else I would cry about not having but would live. In order not to cry I never leave the house w/o my Garmin, compression calf sleeves, bic band and iPod. I now have a semi addiction to NUUN too thanks to you! I would love to try the compression socks ;)


  305. Tried to comment before but don’t think it worked. I can’t live without black running capris! Or your hilarious blog ;)


  306. I couldn’t live without….my garmin, a good hair tie to keep my mop out of my face and off my neck, and my VS sports bras with the zipper in front (i can’t remember their name). They are the only bra I have found that doesn’t cause massive chaffing. ouch


  307. Most of my running apparrel budget has been allocated to the roga shorts because of you. They are the only shorts I run in now and the violet ones are on next on my list. Also a huge fan of all things nuun – even banana, which I didn’t think I’d like.


  308. I always need my nuun (strawberry lemonade) & beloved & coveted ASICs, but honestly, I can’t go on a run without some bobby pins in my hair. Even with headbands or braids, my hair flies all over the place so bobby pins become my lifesaver! Sounds like I need a BIC band ASAP :)


  309. Fabulous giveaway! Day to day training and race day absolute essentials are a good pair o sneakers, (currently saucony triumphs), Nuun, and my Garmin.


  310. My fave item is my Nathan’s handheld. I love how easy it is to stay hydrated and the handheld case prevents water -or nuun – bottles from slipping from my sweaty, sweaty hands.


  311. Knee bands, unfortunately! I have horrible runners’ knee(s). SIGH. Blame it on bad genes…easier than weak abs/adductor muscles.


  312. I LOVE my spi-belt. Whenever I run without it I’m paranoid that my keys are going to drop out of that tiny pocket in my shorts and I’ll be stranded. Kinda strange…


    • Must haves for me…ipod, burt’s bee’s lipbalm and my brooks shoes. Would love to win this as it would be a first time try with most of those prizes – awesome giveaway!!


  313. Must haves for me…ipod, burt’s bee’s lipbalm and my brooks shoes. Would love to win this as it would be a first time try with most of those prizes – awesome giveaway!!


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